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  Could add DKIM for outgoing mail?
Posted by: akong - 04-14-2023, 10:14 PM - Forum: Ehcp Feature Requests - Replies (3)

Could add DKIM for outgoing mail?

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  Could I support Chinese(Taiwan) language for ehcp?
Posted by: akong - 04-14-2023, 10:14 PM - Forum: Ehcp Feature Requests - Replies (2)

I have edit some template html to chinese(Taiwan) language.Could I support these files?Could you add language file to ehcp?If I can.Please tell me email address.I will sent it.

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  Could add domain template function?
Posted by: akong - 04-14-2023, 10:14 PM - Forum: Ehcp Feature Requests - Replies (3)

What's domain template?
I can setup more template.every template setup how many email address account and disk or traffic quota.The panel users can direct create domain and use this template.Like panel user quota.Could add this function?

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  SFTP and Webdav Support from cp
Posted by: extremal - 04-14-2023, 10:14 PM - Forum: Ehcp Feature Requests - Replies (1)

SFTP and Webdav Support from cp

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  Google Authenticator
Posted by: VentureSWE - 04-14-2023, 10:14 PM - Forum: Ehcp Feature Requests - Replies (2)


I would like to increase the safety of brute force on the control panel with either Google Authenticator or CHAPTCHA. I use fail2ban today but do not feel it's enough.

Anyone have any thoughts on this?

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  I hope can edit quota on control panel.
Posted by: akong - 04-14-2023, 10:14 PM - Forum: Ehcp Feature Requests - Replies (2)

In current version.The quota need use phpmyadmin to edit value.Please add this edit quota on control panel.Thanks a lot.

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  Request KFM for EHCP
Posted by: dewakomputer - 04-14-2023, 10:14 PM - Forum: Ehcp Feature Requests - Replies (1)

I hope http://kfm.verens.com/ KFM (Kae's File Manager) is in the latest ehcp later.
because I think net2ftp is out of date.
net2ftp developers can replace with KFM ..?
for info and excess KFM in http://kfm.verens.com/

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  The Best Way To Continue Being Up To Date Using Manner Abercrombie And Fitch Clothing
Posted by: stomassabo - 04-14-2023, 10:14 PM - Forum: Ehcp Feature Requests - Replies (1)

In our era, designers and pro spend their utmost efforts to provide their clientele something different that might be completely not the same as other people. <a href="http://www.abercrombieoutlets.me.uk/">abercrombie sale</a>, your store with laid-back clothing and accessories for men, ladies and kids, mostly goals the teachers individuals. What exactly commenced as being a little waterfront go shopping and a factory around New York City has been repositioned with '88 in addition to 92 like a design oriented informal outfits enterprise. </p> <p>Business is renowned for a lively perspective available within the design of this specific balanced in addition to running garments, and that is encouraged by means of classic design apparel. It sometimes brand name offers drifted out of the sportswear topic, there is certainly nonetheless a specific sport sense towards greater part of its outfits, that also mirrors this tough All-American life-style. Coming from coats to help under garment, frolic near the water pants to help t shirts, and with regards to any product associated with apparel, <a href="http://www.abercrombieoutlets.me.uk/">cheap abercrombie</a> presents every one of the goods.</p> <p>This company is really a lot renowned for the products materials in their products. Your tender, soft material used in tops and knit tops means they a joy to utilize. They are created from a solid jean material clothing that is definitely difficult, yet hot. Old-fashioned polo's are produced inside of a choice of colors by using diverse sleeve programs, for guys and females.</p> <p>For the recreational meet up amid friends, you will find limited in addition to weight reduction outfits manufactured from clothing, which is fitted, yet not clingy. At the conclusion of the morning, your pajamas made of suede 100 % cotton provide the much-needed comfort and ease.</p> <p>Even though Abercrombie and Fitch are known for this is substantial assortments involving garments, what's more, it gives some other merchandise. This is a excellent spot to shop for a wonderful gift idea coming from totes inside shearing or perhaps cotton canvas to help unique perfume. Belts, of several measurements, materials and styles, and chic connections, made from cotton along with combined mixes, are available on Abercrombie and Fitch stores.</p> <p>Your <a href="http://www.abercrombieoutlets.me.uk/">abercrombie & fitch uk</a> outfits aren't the same as the other relaxed solutions available in the market and present the accessories in which go with apparel include each point of view for the situation. By comfy silk cotton lingerie towards the luscious smell scents and also fragrances, the shopper is never discontented while using excellence of the products and solutions. For virtually every fashion smart person, the products are generally collectibles.

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  Apache + nginx as reverse proxy
Posted by: budgierless - 04-14-2023, 10:14 PM - Forum: Ehcp Feature Requests - Replies (1)

On Ubuntu, Im currently wanting Apache behind an Nginx Proxy which really would work fine with one exception:

Apache waits on Port 8888 and only accepts connections from Nginx listens on Port 80 to the real world - servers static content, does load balancing and handles proxy requests to Apache listening on 8888.

The Problem is:

PHP Scripts executed by Apache experience that the server Port is 8888. Scripts like phpmyadmin or nusoap provide redirecting and use this port as part of the redirect url. The Problem is Port 8888 is not visible from the outside thus no connection can be established.

Do you know where the configuration went wrong or how i can force php to think it is working on a port 80 Apache server?

As I cannot pin down the problem I have no clue whether posting my configuration files would help. Maybe its just an option I forgot or stuff.

But i have found some helpful info, and i think it's best i share it as i move along,

There are basically two main parts involved in the configuration, one relating to Apache and one relating to Nginx.

Note that while we have chosen to describe the process for Apache in particular, this method can be applied to any other HTTP server. The only point that differs is the exact configuration sections and directives that you will have to edit. Otherwise, the principle of reverse-proxy can be applied, regardless of the server software you are using.

Reconfiguring Apache

There are two main aspects of your Apache configuration that will need to be edited in order to allow both Apache and Nginx to work together at the same time. But let us first clarify where we are coming from, and what we are going towards.

Configuration overview

At this point, you probably have the following architecture set up on your server:
•A web server application running on port 80, such as Apache
•A dynamic server-side script processing application such as PHP, communicating with your web server via CGI, FastCGI, or as a server module

The new configuration that we are going towards will resemble the following:
•Nginx running on port 80
•Apache or another web server running on a different port, accepting requests coming from local sockets only
•The script processing application configuration will remain unchanged

As you can tell, only two main configuration changes will be applied to Apache as well as the other web server that you are running. Firstly, change the port number in order to avoid conflicts with Nginx, which will then be running as the frontend server. Secondly, (although this is optional) you may want to disallow requests coming from the outside and only allow requests forwarded by Nginx. Both configuration steps are detailed in the next sections.

Resetting the port number

Depending on how your web server was set up (manual build, automatic configuration from server panel managers such as cPanel, Plesk, and so on) you may find yourself with a lot of configuration files to edit. The main configuration file is often found in /etc/httpd/conf/ or /etc/apache2/, and there might be more depending on how your configuration is structured. Some server panel managers create extra configuration files for each virtual host.

There are three main elements you need to replace in your Apache configuration:
•The Listen directive is set to listen on port 80 by default. You will have to replace that port by another such as 8080. This directive is usually found in the main configuration file.
•You must make sure that the following configuration directive is present in the main configuration file: NameVirtualHost A.B.C.D:8080, where A.B.C.D is the IP address of the main network interface on which server communications go through.
•The port you just selected needs to be reported in all your virtual host configuration sections, as described below.

The virtual host sections must be transformed from the following template

ServerName example.com ServerAlias www.example.com [...]
to the following:

ServerName example.com:8080 ServerAlias www.example.com [...]
In this example, A.B.C.D is the IP address of the virtual host and example.com is the virtual host's name. The port must be edited on the first two lines.

Accepting local requests only

There are many ways you can restrict Apache to accept only local requests, denying access to the outside world. But first, why would you want to do that? As an extra layer positioned between the client and Apache, Nginx provides a certain comfort in terms of security. Visitors no longer have direct access to Apache, which decreases the potential risk regarding all security issues the web server may have. Globally, it's not necessarily a bad idea to only allow access to your frontend server.

The first method consists of changing the listening network interface in the main configuration file. The Listen directive of Apache lets you specify a port, but also an IP

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  Username Wildcard to Redirect to Domainless Hosting Account?
Posted by: own3mall - 04-14-2023, 10:14 PM - Forum: Ehcp Feature Requests - Replies (2)

Hey All,

I've noticed that there's no easy way to show a user his files on the server temporarily until a domain is purchased or the DNS is updated. Sometimes, users are in the process of procuring a domain name, but would like to start using their hosting service right away. I've seen in other control panel software that you can typically use:

http://ip_of_server/~username or ( ns.domain.com/~username if not using wildcards ) which redirects to the user's first domain's main index folder. I guess the current structure of how domains are created in EHCP wouldn't work very well with this idea because there could be several domains. But as long as /~username maps to the domains, the user could type: http://ip_of_server/~username/mydomain.com

Currently, you can map it manually by using http://ip_of_server/vhosts/user/domain, but this would make it a lot easier.

I hope I've made myself clear. It's a bit difficult to explain. If this is too hard to implement or not worth the time, please just ignore this suggestion. I'd be happy to clarify if my idea isn't clear.

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