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ADD DOMAIN (can't find v...
Forum: Ehcp General, uncategorized yet
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Yesterday, 07:09 AM
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EHCP API1 error
Forum: Ehcp Development
Last Post: robind99
04-14-2023, 10:14 PM
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EHCP API Setup subdomain
Forum: Ehcp Development
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04-14-2023, 10:14 PM
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EHCP auto startup nginx i...
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04-14-2023, 10:14 PM
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04-14-2023, 10:14 PM
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PHP failed copy
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04-14-2023, 10:14 PM
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04-14-2023, 10:14 PM
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About Beta Software, Ehcp...
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04-14-2023, 10:14 PM
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La marque de l'enseigne C...
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04-14-2023, 10:14 PM
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On portera une attention ...
Forum: Ehcp Development
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04-14-2023, 10:14 PM
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  Few designs i did when i was bored yesterday
Posted by: mtipping - 04-14-2023, 10:14 PM - Forum: Ehcp Contribution,Donation & related - Replies (2)

Designed this yesterday if anyone has any comments or ideas let me know Smile
im also working on a template, will post when Ive finished that one.
Matt Tipping
MSN / Email: matt@mtipping.com

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  Server Donation Guide
Posted by: ehcpdeveloper - 04-14-2023, 10:14 PM - Forum: Ehcp Contribution,Donation & related - Replies (1)

Thank you that you think to donate us a server or vps.
ehcp lives with your donations.

If you want to donate a server,vps or hosting/reseller to ehcp, You should agree the following:

<li> The server should have at least 8G ram, 500G hdd, 8-core cpu, (200g hdd, 4-core for vps). This requirement may increase in future.
<li> The server should have enaugh other conditions such as network connection, bandwidth for a normal hosting operation.
<li> Server should be linux(Ubuntu, latest server version) installed, or that installable, No Windows donation accepted,
<li> You should provide minimum network downtime, for a normal hosting operation.
<li> If this is a "Server Donation", you should give full root access for it, whole control of us. (Other shared hosting may also be accepted, but that is not a server donation, that is "hosting donation")
<li> You should agree that, server/hosting will be available at least for 6 months from start time. We cannot accept servers that do not give at least 6 months.
<li> After 6 months, you must inform us 1 month in advance, if you think to stop the server donation; so that, we can move our data out of server.
<li> Since we will put valuable data on it, do not remove it without informing us.
<li> we should be able to use the server for any legal purposes.
<li> If you have some limitation in bandwidth usage, say this to us at start of operation.
<li> If you do not own the sever, datacenter, or some equipment, then, take necessary permission from owner, or the company. Do not give us the server that you do not own or you do not take permission.

After deciding to donate:
<li> For some limited number of donations, and if you wish, we may put a logo in our sponsors section. If you want to be listed there, send us a logo of size like http://www.ehcp.net/images/instantdeploy2.jpg (the size may inrease with size of server/donation)
<li> if you have a vps/dedicated server control panel (for rebooting,re-building etc) provide that panel url.
<li> Install latest ubuntu to server, no other software, only ssh access, send us login info.
<li> If possible, please give me your phone number so that I can reach you whenever we need phisically to do something such as reset (also say your timezone, so that we do not disturb you in the middle of sleep.)

Thank you for reading all this.

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  a quick way to test ehcp frequently
Posted by: ehcpdeveloper - 04-14-2023, 10:14 PM - Forum: Ehcp Development - Replies (5)

install virtualbox,
setup a new virtual machine in virtualbox,
install ubuntu inside that virtual machine,
install the file attached here into that ubuntu,
(that file installs all packages that ehcp needs, as of 11-2010 )
go to vitualbox, snapshots->take snapshot of virtual machine

this way, you will have a running ubuntu, with all packages needed by ehcp.
and you have a snapshot of that ubuntu, so that you will be able to rollback any changes that is made after this point to that snapshot, and you will be able to test ehcp frequently.

(B)from this point :
just download and install ehcp normally, test it.. do whatever you want.

whenever you want to test it from scratch,
just click on virtualbox, that snapshot, click restore,

you will have a new clean install of ubuntu, with all packages installed, no need to download all packages (saves your internet conn.)

to continue, go to step B

this post also was like a program ! Smile we are programmers...

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  I hope add some settings in custom http.
Posted by: akong - 04-14-2023, 10:14 PM - Forum: Ehcp Feature Requests - Replies (3)

When I run apt-get upgrade to update some package.It's upgrade apache2 and some php package.But some webpage will got error when it's webpage use .htaccess.
Please add some settings in custom http.

<Directory {homedir}/httpdocs>
AllowOverride All

These three lines please add to under "AccessFileName .htaccess" this line.
Thanks a lot.

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  i need MySQL : Change root Password
Posted by: jam3h.net - 04-14-2023, 10:14 PM - Forum: Ehcp Feature Requests - Replies (2)

i need MySQL : Change root Password
How can I change them without getting problems in databases?

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  Could add some founction?
Posted by: akong - 04-14-2023, 10:14 PM - Forum: Ehcp Feature Requests - Replies (2)

I very like ehcp and use it my system and my friend system.
But I hope you can add some features.
1. In create domain same time, I can set the expiration date of the domain space, easy to manage
2. I hope a lot of pre-established plan, in the create of a domain can be directly applied to plans that have been set, these plans include the possibility of using php and other programming languages, as well as limiting the number of sub-domains of this domain can be used to set other related

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  Could add preview web function?
Posted by: akong - 04-14-2023, 10:14 PM - Forum: Ehcp Feature Requests - Replies (1)

If I upload web page.Could add preview upload web page?
Thanks a lot.

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  Could set default webmail use roundcube?
Posted by: akong - 04-14-2023, 10:14 PM - Forum: Ehcp Feature Requests - Replies (1)

I know webmail.<domain name> is squirrelmail and webmail2 is roundcube.
Could I let me set webmail is roundcube and webmail2 is squirrelmail?
Thanks a lot.

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  About translate.
Posted by: akong - 04-14-2023, 10:14 PM - Forum: Ehcp Feature Requests - Replies (3)

Hello,I have already follow url to translate.
But I have found some message can't to translate.Where is file to translate?

1.No domain is selected yet
2.You dont have a default ftp account. Will setup a new one now (will do this only once):
Enter your new default ftp info:

I hope can full translate.Thanks a lot.

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  Couild add spam filter to next ehcp version?
Posted by: akong - 04-14-2023, 10:14 PM - Forum: Ehcp Feature Requests - Replies (5)

I have already write topic about how to add amavis to ehcp.
Could add amavis and spamassassin to next ehcp version?

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:30183 username:akong
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