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ADD DOMAIN (can't find v...
Forum: Ehcp General, uncategorized yet
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Yesterday, 07:09 AM
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EHCP API1 error
Forum: Ehcp Development
Last Post: robind99
04-14-2023, 10:14 PM
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EHCP API Setup subdomain
Forum: Ehcp Development
Last Post: ehcpdeveloper
04-14-2023, 10:14 PM
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EHCP auto startup nginx i...
Forum: Ehcp Development
Last Post: ehcpdeveloper
04-14-2023, 10:14 PM
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Forum: Ehcp Development
Last Post: ehcpdeveloper
04-14-2023, 10:14 PM
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PHP failed copy
Forum: Ehcp Development
Last Post: ehcpdeveloper
04-14-2023, 10:14 PM
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install echp + node js
Forum: Ehcp Development
Last Post: ehcpdeveloper
04-14-2023, 10:14 PM
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About Beta Software, Ehcp...
Forum: Ehcp Development
Last Post: ehcpdeveloper
04-14-2023, 10:14 PM
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La marque de l'enseigne C...
Forum: Ehcp Development
Last Post: shanmao
04-14-2023, 10:14 PM
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On portera une attention ...
Forum: Ehcp Development
Last Post: shanmao
04-14-2023, 10:14 PM
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  Module/Plugin for free opensource web hosting automation program
Posted by: Andrew4444 - 04-14-2023, 10:14 PM - Forum: Ehcp Feature Requests - Replies (6)

If possible, I'd like a module to be written to implement The Hosting Tool for EHCP. The Hosting Tool is an open source web hosting tool that has automation capability. Basically, writing a module for EHCP to integrate it with THT would automate EHCP, reducing the need for manual administrative actions. If you'd like to find out more about The Web Hosting Tool (THT) look at their website http://www.thehostingtool.com/

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  RED5 Media Server
Posted by: budgierless - 04-14-2023, 10:14 PM - Forum: Ehcp Feature Requests - Replies (3)

it would be so cool if you could add red5 (the same company that made ray media server which is a lite version) which is the best free flash media server streaming program , pre-configured into to the additional programs addon script the same way you have Apache, phpmyadmin, ffmepg & others.

ready to go with root default username & password plus a ready configured FTP setup attached to the default vsftp server thats installed and connected to EHCP, (for use of RTMP protocol)

this is very fast becoming a must have server supported program which webmasters will need to have to be able to meet the needs of todays online streaming world. if EHCP has this then a lot of people will not just want to use EHCP but need it, even some social networking scripts will not work right without it, like Dolphin 7 from www.boonex.com or ISocial.

i love EHCP and i think this would help it stay in the game, and it would then be in in a good place to meet the needs of the new ever demanding web script requirements that come heading our way.

p.s HTML5 will be out later this year.

best wishes

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Posted by: cameron - 04-14-2023, 10:14 PM - Forum: Ehcp Feature Requests - Replies (2)

is it possible to have anonymous ftp site?

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  Cron jobs
Posted by: omepheus - 04-14-2023, 10:14 PM - Forum: Ehcp Feature Requests - Replies (2)

Hello! I think is verry useful and relative simple to include in the Control Panel a page for setting different cron jobs for different clients, or at least to be possible to modify main cron tab document.


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  Personal User Database
Posted by: budgierless - 04-14-2023, 10:14 PM - Forum: Ehcp Feature Requests - Replies (3)

1. It would be so good to see a user have their own personel view of their database when they arelogged in to phpmyadmin as that user, so that a user dose mot see the all the other databases on the server only their own, and only the root/admin should see all databases and resellers see only their databaes and sub databases of their users (the same same way it is in Cpanel)
I think it is a good idea because even with full permissions the user will not be able to remove any server system databases because they are unable see them.

2. I would like to see ehcp able to set the user database permissions in the same section were a user is added/created, so then their is know need to have to set login the phpmyadmin as root/admin afterwards to set it for the new added user.

Tell me what you think?

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  echp in easy script
Posted by: Dexxa - 04-14-2023, 10:14 PM - Forum: Ehcp Feature Requests - Replies (2)

Just woundering how come echp is in the easy script's installations,

Does this mean you can install it on another hosting account and use it?

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:2720 usernameBig Grinexxa
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  Add new host on a specific port
Posted by: Colin - 04-14-2023, 10:14 PM - Forum: Ehcp Feature Requests - Replies (2)

Hello, Thanks for writing ehcp.
My suggestion is to add the ability to set the port number for a new domain.

For example, I would like a site on port 1967,
so :: http://www.somesite.net:1967

The ehcp says it works, but it doesnt - the ":" is missing..

This causes the ftp to not work on login - directory not found, and the site doesnt work..


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Posted by: Hitwalker - 04-14-2023, 10:14 PM - Forum: Ehcp Feature Requests - Replies (3)

I wounder if there is a chance to let my visitors to creat own sub domains ?
and creat there own blogs?

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  Easy Script: Clip-Bucket and/or phpmotion
Posted by: tdog89 - 04-14-2023, 10:14 PM - Forum: Ehcp Feature Requests - Replies (6)


I seen that ehcp installs ffmpeg, mplayer, etc. I was wondering can you have Clip-Bucket or phpmotion which both are open source in the easy scripts. You will need the following to work in the background:

FFmpeg + FFmpeg-PHP + Mplayer + Mencoder + flv2tool + LAME MP3 Encoder + Libogg + Libvorbis + AMR

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  reverse dns entries
Posted by: ehcpdeveloper - 04-14-2023, 10:14 PM - Forum: Ehcp Feature Requests - Replies (1)

ehcp should build reverse dns entries automatically..

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