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  We need developers and coders for this project.
Posted by: ehcpdeveloper - 04-14-2023, 10:06 PM - Forum: Ehcp General, uncategorized yet - No Replies

We need developers and coders for this project.
if you are a professional php developer, please contact us at msn/email: bvidinli@iyibirisi.com.

The code structure is straightforward.
Currently waiting jobs:
1- easy install script,
2- reseller implementation,

coders who will contribute, by at least 50 lines of code, will be the candidate developer of the project.
if writes 500 lines of code for project, they will become a developer.
if you write more than 2000 lines of code, you will become a gold developer.

these three kinds of developer will have right to some bonus in the future, even payment may occur.


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  Confixx kurulum asamalari
Posted by: ehcpdeveloper - 04-14-2023, 10:06 PM - Forum: Ehcp General, uncategorized yet - Replies (2)

eski lisans dosyanizi korumak icin,
phpmyadminden girerek, confixx veritabanini confixx_old olarak saklayin.

1- confixx.com sitesinden, confixx 3.1 indirin
2- uygun bir yere acin. mesela, /root/confixx-install

cd /root/confixx-install

tum parametreleri kullanim kitapcigindaki gibi girin.


kurulum bitince, phpmyadmin kullanarak, confixx_old dbsinden, confixx dbsine, register tablosunu taşıyın.

ve böylece, yeni confixx'iniz lisansı ile beraber hazır.

bundan sonra, web arayuzune girip diger ayarları yapabilirsiniz.

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1 username:ehcpdeveloper
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  easy hosting control panel - ehcp installation way
Posted by: ehcpdeveloper - 04-14-2023, 10:06 PM - Forum: Ehcp General, uncategorized yet - No Replies

to install copy and paste following on your linux console:

wget http://www.ehcp.net/ehcp_sourceforge_0.15.tgz
tar -zxvf ehcp_sourceforge_0.15.tgz
cd ehcp_sourceforge
chmod a+x install.sh

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1 username:ehcpdeveloper
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  can we integrage ehcp with other scripts such as phpcoin
Posted by: ehcpdeveloper - 04-14-2023, 10:06 PM - Forum: Ehcp General, uncategorized yet - No Replies

can we integrage ehcp with other scripts such as phpcoin
or other hosting control panel scripts, or addons, ?
what do you think ?
please reply.

the config section oh ehcp is flexible.
So, i managed to use confixx's database as an input, and syncronize dns using ehcp.
This way, i used confixx as an interface, and ehcp as a daemon.

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1 username:ehcpdeveloper
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  Dns Question Answer - howto
Posted by: admin - 11-21-2021, 01:51 PM - Forum: Ehcp HowTos - No Replies

This is an answer given to a dns question, useful:


maybe the most detailed info about dns settins is at: https://www.ehcp.net/helper/yardim/cat.php?cid=4&qid=16
there, you may find howto redirect domains and setup dns. (Currently, I didnt check every word there, some info may be outdated, not sure)

1-Since you host your server on your local, the most important part is port redirections. tcp+udp port 53,80 must be redirected at least to your server.

2- Additional thing to consider about dns:
- dns propogation (activation) takes some time, sometime 1-2 hours, sometime more than 1 day. (this is due to caching of dns queries in dns servers)
- if you do NOT make any dns query for any domain/subdomain, and define it properly in your dns/ehcp, after it is active, you can Query it, then, it may activate suddenly. The reason: Since nobody asked, dns is applied to whole world directly and suddenly. But in this case, you cannot change it immadiately, the change propogation takes time..
- if, you or somebody else, queries a domain, after that, changing that domain dns entries would take some time, since it is cached in other dns servers.

3- The very first record of a "server/ehcp/dns server" must be done in "Registrar" (place where you bought your domain), for ns1.anydomain.. or for ns2... if you want to use your own dns.
This must be done for at least one of your domains, in this case, for example, ns1.yyyyyyyyyy.com.zz.
Because, at start, domain registrar needs to know where to ask dns queries. This is called nameserver registering in Registrar.. You may find info in above website about this also.

to check/verify this, use whois command:
whois yourdomain.com

in output, you need to see your own nameservers. (if you are going to use your own)
if not, that means, you could not complete this step. if there is ip info, that should also point to your server or primary dns. 

4- your dns domain should be setup in your Ehcp/Server. Just add your domain to Ehcp. No special setting required.
To test this, issue:
host yourdomain.com yourip
(this works even if step 2 or 3 problematic, but, does not work if step 1 is not fullfilled. Because, this works independent of registrar, bc, we query diretcly our server)

5- Not for only dns, for whole operation of Ehcp: 
a- make sure ehcp daemon is running: ps aux | grep ehcp
you need to see a daemon line. if not, start it using:
/etc/init.d/ehcp restart

b- make sure ip info in ehcp web gui->options is correct. That should be your external real ip. your local ip would not function there.. 

These are all steps necessary for your "own dns server/nameserver".


root@xxx:~/# nmap 103.148.xx.yy -p 53 -P0 -sU
Starting Nmap 7.80 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2021-11-21 14:42 CET
Nmap scan report for 103.148.xx.yy
Host is up.

53/udp open|filtered domain

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 2.21 seconds
root@xxx:~/# nmap 103.148.xx.yy -p 53 -P0
Starting Nmap 7.80 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2021-11-21 14:42 CET
Nmap scan report for 103.148.xx.yy
Host is up.

53/tcp filtered domain

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 2.20 seconds
root@xxx:~/# host ns1.yyyyyyyyyy.com.zz 103.148.xx.yy
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

These tests shows that, step 1 and/or 4 are not fullfilled. Both can also problematic, I cannot understand this now, without knowing step 1 is fullfilled. step 3 can be verified after others.

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  Ehcp General Guidelines
Posted by: admin - 09-26-2021, 03:56 AM - Forum: Ehcp HowTos - No Replies

This article is about general problem solving, this is a copy of post at: https://ehcp.net/?q=node/848 (we will try to move forums over here for better organization)
will guide you to "how to solve problems in ehcp."
In fact, ehcp is, as name implies, very easy to install and use, compared to most other panels. However, not everything goes fine in real life.
Lets come to story:
Before asking something to ehcp/support, please check these: http://ehcp.net/?q=node/1702
to solve your problems:
[*]Make sure your system is installed as described in requirements (... will be written soon), clean debian, ubuntu preferred
[*]While installing and configuring system, you may follow guides described in http://www.ehcp.net/helper/yardim/cats.php
[*]While dealing with your problems, apply some debug techniques/procedures as described in http://ehcp.net/?q=node/771 (this page also contains system logs)
[*]For general information, you may have a look at some important articles at http://www.ehcp.net/?q=node/262
[*]While asking some question, or telling a problem to us using email, support ticket and so on, tell about your system, which operating system, ehcp version, your network connection and so on.
[*]Categorized Subject specific help will be written in future, here, such as email topics, ftp topics.. These are in fact already exist in forums. Please search in our site to find them.
[*]If you are in trouble, try to contact us using ticket system, email (info@ehcp.net), gtalk, or even phone !
[*]We are sory that you had to read all these, I hope that you would never read this, you would work out of box..
Some Frequently Asked Questions, Faced Problems/Howtos:
[*]ehcp user levels explained: http://www.ehcp.net/?q=node/920
[*]Email related topics: http://www.ehcp.net/?q=node/876
[*]Howto modify templates, logo, language : http://www.ehcp.net/?q=node/29 , http://www.ehcp.net/?q=node/250
[*]Net2ftp error: http://ehcp.net/?q=node/839#comment-1334 (this is fixed in ehcp ver 0.29.13 and later)
[*]ehcp password recovery: http://www.ehcp.net/?q=node/539
[*]mysql root access denied: http://www.ehcp.net/?q=node/1814
[*]Access denied for user 'ehcp'@'localhost' : http://ehcp.net/?q=node/278
[*]Backup related things: http://ehcp.net/?q=node/890#comment-1443 , http://ehcp.net/?q=search/node/backup
[*]Cannot access ehcp/webserver: http://ehcp.net/?q=node/771#comment-1177
[*]open_basedir problems: http://www.ehcp.net/?q=search/node/open_basedir
[*]Common daemon commands that can be given from command line: http://ehcp.net/?q=node/897 (may be used when web interface cannot be reached)
[*]ehcp upgrade: http://www.ehcp.net/?q=node/529
[*]Can I disable port 8080 in ehcp? http://www.ehcp.net/?q=node/900
[*]Email problem: status=deferred (maildir delivery failed: create maildir file /home/vmail/... : http://ehcp.net/?q=node/911
[*]if you see same page for all your domains, or ehcp default page: http://www.ehcp.net/?q=node/955
[*]Some info and principles: http://ehcp.net/?q=node/983
[*]Basic Server Security Guide (BSSG): http://ehcp.net/?q=node/1016
[*]About some emails, info sent to ehcp developers: http://ehcp.net/?q=node/229
[*]Using multiple ip's in one server with ehcp: http://ehcp.net/?q=node/1082
[*]ehcp cannot be responsible for servers installed: http://ehcp.net/?q=node/1014
[*]ehcp broken after ubuntu upgrade: http://ehcp.net/?q=node/1107
[*]ssl explained here
[*]about easy install scripts
[*]About testing versions: http://ehcp.net/?q=node/1356

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  You may write here your questions about Ehcp.
Posted by: admin - 09-22-2021, 08:52 PM - Forum: Ehcp HowTos - No Replies

We will post here the help topics which exists on ehcp.net also, in time.. 
That is, we will move help topics here from ehcp.net

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