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Creating a billing system
Possible, but not easy! I work for a company that creates Cable Billing software and we have been doing it for over 20 years and with over 5 developers. The process is ever growing and very in depth. Although cable is not phone we do handle Voip billing and authorization of services.

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I am going to try and make a system called Dime (just for the $0.10 USD currency). I will let you know how it goes...agreed we need a billing system. If anyone would like to work on Dime with me then jusst comment and I will try to post it to

For more information see:

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:3893 username:adam001
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Hey, Dime has gotten so far as to be able to create a new panel user with a domain name. To find out more or get the code visit:

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:4029 username:plowdawg
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Progress Report:
There is some headway with DIME, though it still has a long ways to go. DIME can now make free accounts which will lead into paid accounts. Our next step is going to be to create a package manager layer that communicates with this dime sudo API (I calll it sudo because it is pure cURL based and does not use the API from ECHP). You can see it in action too on, even signup for a free EHCP control panel account (Tutorial on

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To start where we left off I opened a new thread for the build process. Was able to get the old code for Dime. Link to repo on new thread here -

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Looking for a billing system to go with EHCP. Saw this post, I understand it is 2 yrs old but I am in end of such extension and I am willing to help just need the files so I can start plugging away at them.

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:4470 username:thyraven
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tell about what you want to do,
I can help in building a provisioning system for ehcp.
if required, start a new topic. give link here.

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I know it has been a long time since I posted Dime. I have pretty much abandoned Dime but am working on a paid billing system that supports multiple control panels. I think it is getting very close to being completed (should be done within one to two months). I will be making an EHCP module for it depending on interest.

The limitations it will have (at least with the first release) is that you will have to use Stripe ( for your credit card processing. It uses the JavaScript version of Stripe so all you need is an SSL certificate and you are good to go.

If any of you reading this thread are interested, please fill out the Google form found at and depending on demand I will let you know when the system is available for purchase.

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1 username:ehcpdeveloper
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Hi if you could get this billing system up and working on this control panel i would like to try it

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:4029 username:plowdawg
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Hi, I would just like to give you a status update. The billing system is still progressing but it is going much slower than I initially anticipated. It currently works (somewhat) and has two modules, one for Virtualizor and one for DirectAdmin.

I will try and build a EHCP module over this weekend and provide an online demo to the billing system. People will be able to plug in their own EHCP server details but I will not be providing one due to budget constraints. I will probably have the system reset every one or two hours as well.

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