04-14-2023, 10:11 PM
I added function overDiskQuota(), edited function updateDiskQuota() to call the new function, edited function show to show a warning when user is over quota.
A also edited the serverstatus function; I moved some of the bash stuff to a separate file and added some more info. I think serverstatus should show only important informations about the server, so it's useful for the user; for everything else you have ssh access. If you display to much information, almost nobody will read it.
You can download the 2 files from <a href="http://www.mediafire.com/?kdmwym5ozuh">here</a>.
I was already working when I received your email, so I continued to work on my version of classapp.php. I wrote here exactly what I did so it will be easier to add the changes to your version of the file.
Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:700 username:deconectat
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A also edited the serverstatus function; I moved some of the bash stuff to a separate file and added some more info. I think serverstatus should show only important informations about the server, so it's useful for the user; for everything else you have ssh access. If you display to much information, almost nobody will read it.
You can download the 2 files from <a href="http://www.mediafire.com/?kdmwym5ozuh">here</a>.
I was already working when I received your email, so I continued to work on my version of classapp.php. I wrote here exactly what I did so it will be easier to add the changes to your version of the file.
Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:700 username:deconectat
You may reset your password to access your new account here.