Few improvements and some bugfixes:
* fixed postfix auth bug
* Fix Mail Configuration link in options: (This is used after changing ehcp mysql user pass, or if you upgraded from a previous version, in some cases)
* backup dir settable in misc table,
* installer detects /etc/apt/sources.list with very few files
* mysql users's passwords are encrypted in db, fixed something about this,
* in domain settings:
# Edit dns template for this domain
# Edit apache template for this domain
This way, you can edit apache/dns config templates for individual domains (your feature request)
These may also be used for custom dns and custom apache, Other custom settings still exists.
* Add dns only hosting (ehcp is used only for dns server for that domain, domain actually hosted on some other machine, useful for multiple ehcp's)
* Bulk Add domain (may add tens of domains in one step, puts Under construction page in all)
* new classapp.php, sets up new fiels on old ehcp install automatically, that is, if a new database field does not exist, then it sets up it upon first run. (function checkTables)
* Server status, in ehcp->home, system: Shows many server related data (There is also a separate sysinfo on left menu) (mostly your code, i modified a bit, added something, removed something)
* New option in Options/settings: messagetonewuser, used to send email for some info to new clients like: "Dns servers for our server: ns1.ehcp.net -> ns2.ehcp.net -> ns3.ehcp.net ->"
New clients receive this automatically
* bugfix: "my password protected directories" was showing for all domains, not active one, now, it shows only active one, There also a function to show all pass prot. dirs of your own.
* Daemon reconnects mysql in a few minutes, in case the mysql server is gone, this was done, because i received some errors related to this.
* password reminder works, i hope, buggy before.
* in case you dont know: new features already exist in previous version:
* add mysql db to existing user and vice versa
I thought it was few, but when i counted, there are many improvements
Some of these are your suggestions, some are suggestions of other ehcp users...
Thank you all...
By the way:
to upgrade an existing ehcp (versions 0.28-0.29), this should work mostly: just overwrite your classapp.php file with new one, restart ehcp daemon: /etc/init.d/ehcp restart, go to options, fix mail config, should work ... mostly.. .
if you use some older version than 0.27, i suggest a full upgrade
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