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Q & A : template howto

Can you give me some information on how the templates work? There are currently lots of files in the individual template directories and i'm not sure what is needed and what isn't.

Is 'template_en' the global template, then 'homepage_*' are the main part inside the template? or what?

I'm designing a new template.

Thanks for any info.


these links give some info.

here is in summary:
in templates dir, there are many directories. these are different templates.
one template is active at a moment.

lets take templates/xp5-z7/
inside is language dirs. usually en, sometime both en, tr or other.
related dir is used according to active language.

lets come into templates/xp5-z7/en/ dir
template_en.html is template file for domain admin/reseller/server admin.
it is the page layout of ehcp, left menu, etc.

the inner part (tag: {ickisim}) changes according to logedin user, choosen domain etc.
if you un-select any domain, or if your are at home,
homepage_serveradmin_en.html file is displayed to ehcp users (admin, domain admin, reseller, not email users.)

the shown (active) html file is shown near bottom of ehcp, each time you navigate. just search for .html in page source in ehcp gui. it is shown for you, template designers, to know what file is used.

for ex:
"Homepage Template used to generate this page: homepage_serveradmin_en.html"

if you select a domain,
is used to show the page. (the inside part of page)

if you need to change general appearance of a template,
modify template_* files

to modify the inner part of pages, modify other files.

keep in mind that,
in html files, image/js paths should be relative to top ehcp directory, not templates/en/xp5 for ex.
because, that html file is displayed by php scripts that are in ehcp dir.

to build a new template, just copy one of existing templates to a new name and start editing.

do not forget to keep urls in templates, such as href="?op=someoperation"

not all templtes are up to date.
the most up to date template is xp5-z7 for ver 0.29.12
ubuntu0.4.1 for version 0.29.13, which can be downloaded from (as of 2010-04-06, Y-m-d)

maybe somebody prepares a good howto about this.
if you have time, you may do this.
unfortunately, I had no time for this up to now.

see you,

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