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Q & A : email import/migrate
Guest: hi
Sent at 1:36 PM on Thursday

me: hi

Guest: am a new customer using ur product
I hav installed and it seems working great

me: .

Guest: ehcp

me: how can I help
thank you, nice
nice to hear that

Guest: how can I migrate old email users from unix machine to the new ehcp

me: what is format of your old email users ?
are they linux system users ?
do you have a list of those users, with passwords ?

Guest: yes, linux sytem users
I don't have the list

me: you may do this way:
get a list using /etc/passwd
then, you may add them, using some sql, to ehcp,
with default pass of 123456
for ex
does this enaugh for you ?
i will show you the sql.
in ehcp gui, bulk email add does not exist, but you can add using phpmyadmin.

Guest: how am I gonna read the passwd file

me: on linux console,
cat /etc/passwd

Guest: then, should I copy and paste somewhere else?

me: get that list, then, i will show you the way.

Guest: ok

me: extract only usrenames from that list.
is linux users and ehcp on same server ?
Sent at 1:46 PM on Thursday

Guest: no, not on the same server but, mail server is in an old redhat system
Sent at 1:48 PM on Thursday

me: ok, then get that passwd list, extract only usernames.
your email ?
what is your email ?

Guest: what about passwds

me: passwords will be reset to a default value.
we cannot extract pass.

Sent at 1:50 PM on Thursday

Guest: so u mean my customers must reset their new passwords

me: yes, I know no other way.
all new passwords will be default newe one.
Sent at 1:51 PM on Thursday

Guest: am not good at linux but how does people migrate from linux mail servers to exchange or other mail servers

me: if passwords exist, in plain text format, they can be re-built.
if no passwords, then, all passes has to be reset.
in all systems.

Guest: I thinks mine is plain text format

me: passwords also plain text ?
sure ?
Sent at 1:54 PM on Thursday

Guest: how can I find out if it is plain text
Sent at 1:56 PM on Thursday

me: in any system, passwords are not plaintext
if you dont know, we can say they are not plaintext.
so, we have to reset all passwords.
is this okey for you ?
if yes, i will continue your process.
Sent at 2:09 PM on Thursday

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