04-14-2023, 10:12 PM
Here is my problem.
I have a script. For it to work correctly the writer says
open_basedir must have “no Value”
He just took a look at my php.ini and said I need to correct it .
If you look at my php.ini here you will see Master value is setup correctly (meaning “open_basedir” is set to no value)
However Local value is not. See it here
You will see local is set to
How can I set it to “no value”?
The only place I saw it was in /var/www/vhosts/ehcp/apachehcp.conf
If I try to edit it there Apache fails to start.
Please help
You can find some posts about this topic in http://www.ehcp.net/?q=search/node/open_basedir
To explain (maybe again) your case:
<li>1st, making open_basedir empty, meaning disabling it, and be sure that, this is a serious server security hole, with disabled, website owner can do bad things with your server,
<li> however, if you still want to disable:
<li>to disable for all domains, edit apachetemplate file, then options->sync domains
<li>to disable for only a single domain, click "edit apache template", delete open_basedir line
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Here is my problem.
I have a script. For it to work correctly the writer says
open_basedir must have “no Value”
He just took a look at my php.ini and said I need to correct it .
If you look at my php.ini here you will see Master value is setup correctly (meaning “open_basedir” is set to no value)
However Local value is not. See it here
You will see local is set to
How can I set it to “no value”?
The only place I saw it was in /var/www/vhosts/ehcp/apachehcp.conf
If I try to edit it there Apache fails to start.
Please help
You can find some posts about this topic in http://www.ehcp.net/?q=search/node/open_basedir
To explain (maybe again) your case:
<li>1st, making open_basedir empty, meaning disabling it, and be sure that, this is a serious server security hole, with disabled, website owner can do bad things with your server,
<li> however, if you still want to disable:
<li>to disable for all domains, edit apachetemplate file, then options->sync domains
<li>to disable for only a single domain, click "edit apache template", delete open_basedir line
Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1 username:ehcpdeveloper
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