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Suhosin Patch how to configure or disable?
After many weeks trying to figure out the reason why all php scripts (even with my own code) were not working I just found that the problem is the Suhosin Patch installed by default with EHCP php5 LAMP server. It blocks silently all my best php scripts new or old! I unsuccessfully googled around for hours trying to find a way to disable or configure that patch or a way to fix my scripts to work with that. I couldn’t find suhosin path in Ubuntu 8.04 server. All my ‘locate suhosin’ server wide requests came with no results. It is installed (look at EHCP phpinfo( ) internal link) but I can’t find it to try to configure or disable. Since I have no prior experience with the Suhosin thing perhaps someone in this forum knows a way to fix this problem. I think that it can be the solution for many other php issues that EHCP users encountered before.

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suhosin is installed with php I think, by default, on Ubuntu; so, I dont think we have chance to deselect it while installing. I think this subject is not specific to ehcp.

can you describe more which of your scripts not working, or, which part is not working,

btw, I will try to search for suhosin problems.

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