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no internet after installation

well i was trying different panels to compare them, so I installed webmin, and after playing with it, I installed ehcp, then when i restarted i realize that i didnt have internet. The problem wasnt webmin, becaues i was using internet after webmin and befo ehcp. It seems like i am behind a proxy. I dont know if there is a conflict between webmin and ehcp, or the problem is ehcp. Anyway, webmin says now that i have an extra ip, that i dont know. Like inside of proxy, or router. So if sombody can tell me what to do, or may me just uninstalling ehcp is enough. That is sad actually, becaues ehcp seems very nice, but I need internet rightaway


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what ehcp can do without internet ?
ehcp also is almost useless without internet.

I guess that something has broken during your tests..

I can suggest you just re-install ubuntu, then install first ehcp.
Your internet and ehcp will work..

normally ehcp can be uninstalled, but i suggest above because you tested many things..

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