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email forwarding delete problem
I try to delete email forward and I'm getting errors

Error Occured (source:Error (executequery: delete from forwardings where (reseller='bpnet' or panelusername='bpnet') and id=5))
Unknown column 'reseller' in 'where clause'
last db error:Unknown column 'reseller' in 'where clause'

List Email forwardings

last db error:Unknown column 'reseller' in 'where clause'

Can anybody help me fix this problem?

thank you for your try of ehcp..

that occurs when you login as a reseller/domainadmin,
That is caused by missin mysql table field:


go to phpmyadmin, or mysql console,
choose ehcp db,

execute following sql:

ALTER TABLE `forwardings` ADD `reseller` VARCHAR( 30 ) NULL AFTER `id` ;

this will be fixed in ver. 0.28

please use forum section of new site at for your next questions/comments...

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Now it's working fine!

PS: When 0.28 will be out? Smile

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i am just working on it, and testing it,
it has many new features/bugfixes (i hope) onto 0.27,
i hope it will be released in a week or two... i am not sure..
i may send it to you and anyone that want to test, before releasing to public..
so that you may also help me on testing it...

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sure, why not?
I will be glad to test it.

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