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Setup ehcp: Easy Hosting Control Panel for Ubuntu and Alikes
ehcp is a new Hosting Control Panel in Linux world. Althaugh it is in beta stage, its basic functions are well functioning. it operates strongly with debian/ubuntu"s apt-get package manager..

it differs from other control panels, or even other opensource panels that, ehcp is the first and only: opensource,full php, object oriented, gpl, free hosting control panel on the earth !

You may use ehcp to easily setup a hosting environment, for yourself or for selling hosting..
You may also use it for only ftp hosting..

A clean ubuntu or any debian based linux install. nothing else. Any apt-get enabled linux is enaugh.

to install copy and paste following on your linux console:

tar -zxvf ehcp_latest.tgz
cd ehcp

the installer will ask some questions about your settings, then will automatically install any needed server programs such as apache, mysql and so on..

After installer finishes, navigate to localhost (if you installed on local) or to ip by typing at address bar of your browser.

default login: admin
default pass: 1234

you may find additional information at at, test ehcp on a real server at

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