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Feature requests
explorer: let me know which explorer do you use, let me download it, i will check and say you result; as you know, ehcp is simple, lightweight and fast, so, i take care of any modules that i integrate into it.

mysql db: you may manually add those tables into ehcp db, as: goto phpmyadmin, choose mysqldb table, insert row, insert your mysql db name and so on.. similar to other records.. then you will see all your db in ehcp, hence, you will be able to backup..

i will check (j)awstats too.

see you.

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:700 username:deconectat
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Some feature requests, to do and roadmap are at:

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1 username:ehcpdeveloper
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Another email program other than SquirrelMail, I'm not real hip on SquirrelMail.

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1 username:ehcpdeveloper
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Nginux is appearing more more and more over VPS servers because the Ram Comsuption is critical, i'll love a EHCP version that uses Nginx and/or Apache and can shich beween these very fantastic servers.
Maybe a Nginux to Apache migrator tool and viceversa.

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:2678 username:kc8tdw
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1) you will not seriously run ehcp on a vps(eaven if it works fine on a vps)

2) as long as your system don´t swap all is ok, let´s use the ram it´s made for it.

3) you can allways adjust the apache settings to save some ram if needed

4) udjust your mysql settings because it´s using often to much ram

administrating a root-server is much more then copy and paste installs.

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:3163 username:lokuzpokuz
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