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Feature requests
There are a few things I'd like to have in ehcp that wouldn't require much work. Here it goes:
1. The language and templates selection options should be in the settings/options menu.
2. The posibility to edit the dns zone for a domain (simple text edit of the zone file) and the option to reload dns zones.

3. Tables / divs sould have id's and no inline formating so you can change the formating from the template's css file. This isn't very important.

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:700 username:deconectat
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I will deal with all, a brief explanation:
1- easy to implement,
2- easy to implement, may lead to wrong format in dns zone files, and to malfunction of dns.. anyway, for experienced users this is a need; reload dns is already present at options or old menu, sync dns..
3- html design issue, we may fix this as we edit some pages.. you are right...

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:700 username:deconectat
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I have 2 more simple requests:
1. Add links to "add domain", "Easy add domain to my ftp" and "easy add domain" in "?op=selectdomain".
2. Add a domain (user, ftp etc.) search form (like the one in plesk). I'm thinking of a small search form you can display in the left div.

Thank you! Smile

Later edit: Is there any way of displaying the loged in user name and other information in the banner? (something like "welcome, {user}! Log out.")

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1 username:ehcpdeveloper
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1- do you mean, add those links after selecting a domain ? (Already implemented in new template xp2, thanks to deconectat)
2- all kind of searches exist in "list .... " , when you list db's for ex, a small search form exist below... same for old menu-list domains... But as you said, it is a good idea to put domain search form (even better with ajax) on left pane...

thank you for your offers and brain gymnastic...Smile

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:700 username:deconectat
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2. I added the search form on my template, but for the search results to be useful you'll need to change the way they are displayed. (I tried to edit classapp.php myself, but i don't understand anything because it's in turkish)

Could you add something like <-a href="?op=choosedomaingonextop&nextop=selectdomain&domainname=$domainname">$domainname<-/a> in the domain column?

Le: I used <-a> because i didn't want drupal to parse the link.

LLE: Also, could you add an id to that table and change the first row to a th?

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1 username:ehcpdeveloper
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i fixed domain list as you wanted.. now, when you click on magnifier image on domain search list, domain is selected and displayed...

changed first column of table to th,
added id as id=tabledomains and so on on different tables..
i am mailing you new file..
btw, i chaned default template of ehcp to your xp2 style, new downloads are with xp2... Smile
see you

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:700 username:deconectat
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I have a few more requests, if posibble:

1. When I add a domain, the data from the dns template should be copied to mysql and I should be able to edit the dns zone for each domain. The sync domain option should read the data from mysql and rebuild the dns zones.
2. All the settings should be moved from classapp.php to a mysql table and they shouldn't be overwritten when I update ehcp. This way everyone could update as soon as a new version of ehcp is released.

3. You should try to translate all the code to english (variables, functions & comments) so anyone can make improvements to the code without having to learn turkish. (I know this is hard)

Thank you for your great work! Smile

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1 username:ehcpdeveloper
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1- I will implement this as soon as possible, this is very logical and good idea,

2- There should be few settings in classapp.php, you are right, settings should be in a database form.. Can you explain, which settings exist in php like you said ? which ones are more important ?

3- right, i will do it as i handle the code, i cleanet abit, i will clean more..

thank you for you suggestions, continue to write your ideas ...

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:700 username:deconectat
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your first request is almost done,
not only dns zones, apache conf file also will be editable for eacy domain,
i plan to release this with next minor version of 0.29.06

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1 username:ehcpdeveloper
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Thank you! Smile

Maybe you could also include awstats and jawstats in the next release. <a href="">Jawstats</a> looks a lot nicer than webalizer. Smile

How dificult would it be to integrate a file explorer like <a href="">extplorer</a>? I have it installed on my server, but I don't know if it can be integrated with ehcp's authentication and file permisions.

I have a few databases created from phpmyadmin, not ehcp and they don't show up in ehcp. This isn't a problem, but when I make a backup those databases aren't copied. Maybe you could use the MySQL root password and export all the databases, not just the ones in the ehcp/mysqldb table.

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