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SMTP suddenly timing out from one of my clients?
Hey all

I have got this problem before, its about my SMTP server. Im having a company, which of course are using emails as our communication. When i installed EHCP, it all worked with making mail accounts, etc. but suddenly, yesterday, 2 of my employees cant send mails anymore. Our mailserver is hosted on a external server in Germany, and i am able to send mails without any problems. Its just the 2 clients that can't send anymore, and im afraid that i might get the same problem. They can receive mails with no problems, they just cant send. I know that its not a user-related problem (password username), because the old mailserver we had did the same. I tried to send a mail on my macbook at my girlfriends house, through wifi, that did not work. Then i tried to do the same on my mobile on its 3G-connection and that worked! Then i now think that it may be a IP-related problem?

I cant find anything in any of the mailserver logs, so i am a bit confused Sad The system is Ubuntu Server 8.04LTS

I hope that you can help with this!



Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:3014 username:vrod
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please provide more specific information like filling:

<li> 2 clients cannot send email using domain .....
<li> the domain is hosted on a server located in ....
<li> mailserver of that domain is located in ....
<li> the ehcp is installed in server ....
<li> mailserver and clients are located in same/different networks ?

is the server same for mail and normal hosting? in fact, in this case, normal (web, non-email) hosting is not important, since your problem is email related.

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:3014 username:vrod
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Its All installed on one server. Its on my company domain which is the only one i have setup in ehcp

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1 username:ehcpdeveloper
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you said: "Our mailserver is hosted on a external server in Germany, and i am able to send mails without any problems. "
then, you are in an office, your server is in Germany.

if some of your clients cannot send email, test their dns connectivity.
maybe they played with/changed dns settings..
make their dns the default..

in their console: nslookup
does that solve to your server ip ?

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:3014 username:vrod
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Alright, i am at my girlfriend right now. I tried to telnet to the server on port 25, but i did not get through. Then i tried from my server at home on the same port, and i _did_ get through there! What could be the problem?

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1 username:ehcpdeveloper
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that is not solution of your case,
or that is not related to your problem.
your problem is rather, related to yor clients on your office.

at your girlfriend: the cause of that,
most probably isp has blocked port 25, so you cannot connect to your server by port 25 .

in your office, your case may be:
your computer can access server,somehow, by port 25, but your clients may not be. this may happen if your computer has a different ip than your clients (when seen from outside).

you may try enabling submission port in your server.
described in
that way, your clients will be able to connect to your server by using port 587, not 25, so, even if your isp blocks port 25, you will be able to send emails.
* adjust your server as in link above
* adjust settings of your clients, to use port 587

tha may solve your case.

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:3014 username:vrod
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Yes my server is colocated in a datacenter. I am my girlfriend right now, and still unable to send emails. I have tried to resolve the SMTP server address and it resolves it perfectly. (sorry for the late answer). I have tried disabling iptables but no luck there

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1 username:ehcpdeveloper
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maybe try another thirdparty mailserver see if that fixes your problem?

Is your mail server on the same ip, or is it on a dedicated ip?

What isp are you using?

Have you checked your firewall to see if the port 25 is open?

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:3014 username:vrod
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My mailserver is on a dedicated IP and i am using a danish ISP called Zen Systems. I have been in contact with them, and they say that port 25 is open. Also, please know that i can connect to the SMTP from home, but not from my (example) girlfriend

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