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receive emails problem
Hi, i'm using ehcp 0.29.09 on debian lenny.
the automatic installation went just fine, i have configured a test site with an email account and ftp account.
i can send emails but i couldn't receive any of them, maybe is a mx record problem, how can i configure to receive emails?
thanks in advance.

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1212 username:elmarkivo
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Normally, ehcp is already configured to send/receive emails.
If something is not working about emails, then you have something wrong.
You need to figure out what is wrong.

review your installation by following topics at

You can check following one by one, for a normal operation:
<li>did you have/buy your domain from a registrar ? </li>
<li>did you redirected to your server from that registrar? </li>
<li>did you redirect all necessary ports on your modem/router to your server ? </li>
<li>did you setup that domain in ehcp on your server? </li>

after checking all, send me your domain (her or by email)
i will check additional things, such as mx record, smtp etc..

normally, ehcp setups mostly everthing needed for a hosting operation, including email send receive.

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1212 username:elmarkivo
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hi again, i am testing echp on my lan network so...

# did you have/buy your domain from a registrar? No i havent
# did you redirected to your server from that registrar? No i havent
# did you redirect all necessary ports on your modem/router to your server? i have my routers ports forwarded fine, but in this case is not necessary.
# did you setup that domain in ehcp on your server? yes i do.

maybe i am trying to do something impossible, but this is what i want to do.

i have my ehcp with this ip, this is a local ip.
on other computers i put for primary DNS the ip
i can create any numbers of domains in ehcp and those are created just fine and i can access from any computer with the primary DNS cofingured as .

maybe my problem with emails is that i must have something additional to work on the local network, something that provides the registrar for emails.

i would like to have any information about this topic (receiving emails), if i am doing something wrong or i need some extra configuration for mail records and where i can find this information.

thanks in advance

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1 username:ehcpdeveloper
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your scenario and configuration seems fine.
although you did not buy any domains, you can test those domains in your local network, including emails.

so, for ex, if you have 10 client computers in your local net, with dns is set to 1.233, then, they will see domains from that dns, so, you domains will work in your internal network, even if you did not buy them from a registrar. In fact, this is a good, interesting testing/lab case.. Your emails (in fact, everything) should work too. (inside your local net)

In same way, we may construct our own Internet too, really... Smile

To be sure , you should also set dns for your server as "localhost".
open /etc/resolv.conf in your server, and put only localhost there.
then, restart postfix there.. this is the only thing that I imagine that may be missing...
that way postfix will see also your domains on your local net/server..

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1212 username:elmarkivo
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thanks for the replies!
adding localhost to /etc/resolv.conf i can send/receive emails on my local network xD
this is for local use only.
steps to use on internet are.

#add nameservers to my external ip such as and
#in /etc/resolv.conf i have my isp provider nameservers, is that ok?
#i have a router/firewall, i have portforwarded to my webserver ip this ports.
ftp 21
http 80
https 443
dns 53
mails 25,110,143,465,993,995

is this ok?

thank you very much

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1 username:ehcpdeveloper
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Yes, right.

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