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SpamAssassin spam folder and dns blacklists?
I've been searching around all day and i cant figure out how to setup SpamAssassin to work with ehcp's setup....

The other issue, is there a way to set SpamAssassin or PostFix to check each smtp connection against all the dns blacklists??

Thanks in advance.

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:2717 username:techsangeeks
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i have run spamassassin with quide at , long before.. with ehcp.
aply that guide after installing ehcp..

But it is quite hard to automate it as of now.. so I could not integrate it into ehcp.
if anyone finds an easy/automated way of it, let me know..

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:2717 username:techsangeeks
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Can you explain what you meant by this...

"But it is quite hard to automate it as of now.."

What needs to be automated? The filtering?

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1 username:ehcpdeveloper
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I mean, you need to manually install them, it is not implemented in ehcp, and currently I am not working on automating this within ehcp.

you need to install it using guide I gave the link..

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:2717 username:techsangeeks
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Is there a plan to include SpamAssassin in future versions of ehcp?

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1 username:ehcpdeveloper
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in principle, I want to include all hosting related programs and technologies, (which are useful, needed)

So, I also want to include spamassassin in future..
But, currently, I am not sure when to include it...
it needs some coding, some coding that comforms with philosophy of ehcp, being easy..

If anybody knows howto implement this easily, please contact me...

see you.

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:2648 username:Mir
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I will try to help out a little later on (maybe in a few weeks). I have a question, do you handle all installations through php or through a bash script?

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1 username:ehcpdeveloper
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basicly, installation is two step:
1- initial pre-installer, which is a relatively small bash script, which basicly installs php and invokes it..thats it..
2- rest is php scripts, which is in fact a single library, install_lib.php, which is called by install_1.php and install_2.php

if a ratio is mentioned, bash is %5, php is %95, regarding installation.
After installation, ehcp daemon and gui is full php.

some detail can be found in wiki, developer section.

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:2648 username:Mir
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