04-14-2023, 10:13 PM
An experience of ehcp user, (no mine):
yes you can run on raspberry pi but you must install raspdebian iso to raspberry. The reslove problem : uninstall php-cgi and change to php5 in apache2:
this problem is for internal 500
~# dpkg -l |grep php5-cgi
if you see a result then do this:
~# dpkg --purge php5-cgi
then remove cgi apt-get remove php5-cgi
and then install php5 apache module
~# apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5
~# a2enmod php5
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yes you can run on raspberry pi but you must install raspdebian iso to raspberry. The reslove problem : uninstall php-cgi and change to php5 in apache2:
this problem is for internal 500
~# dpkg -l |grep php5-cgi
if you see a result then do this:
~# dpkg --purge php5-cgi
then remove cgi apt-get remove php5-cgi
and then install php5 apache module
~# apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5
~# a2enmod php5
Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1 username:ehcpdeveloper
You may reset your password to access your new account here.