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New IP on server
I've added a new IP on the server. Till now I had only one IP that is the server IP and the main site use this IP also.
Now I need to asign the new IP to the main site and after this to apply a purchased SSL to this site. The server will still use the old IP.

I did this: EHCP->Options->List/Add Servers/ IP's and I've added the new IP on the server. I've added the new IP in the networking also.

Now I need some help to use the new IP with the new site and to apply a purchased SSL with this site also.

I appreciate any help or tutorial links (easy steps please)..

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:4291 username:npapazoglou
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About IP:

click panel home/deselect
click "add domain" or similar links,
without adding domain, look below links (related domain functions), click on "easy add domain to different IP"
this way, that domain is adjusted to that IP.

about ssl:
this is a little non-easy. sometime, may be problematic.
1st step: ehcp->options->advanced settings->click ssl ->submit.

sometime this may break your server config and you may lose your panel gui, since it uses same webserver interface.
In this case, use guide at:

if everything goes ok, your webserver is adjusted ssl, but your site still does not use that ssl config.
from this point, you need to do some manual config, using "edit apache template for that domain".
consult other forum topics for this.

Unfortunately, there isn't yet a one-click thing like "adjust ssl for this domain". this will be done later.

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:4291 username:npapazoglou
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Thank you very much for the instructions.
The domain I need to put on the new IP already exist and it is an active site. Can I create (based on your instructions) the same domain again? Is it safe? What will happen after the creation? I have not any scope to break the server. I have to do this in a safe way.

I found all the steps you provided to me (thank you). I'm waiting for your answer before I press the "Submit Query" button... to be sure.

Thank you in advance!

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1 username:ehcpdeveloper
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No, you cannot re-add a domain, while it exists. An error is shown if you do this.

To do that, you need first to backup your data, re-add that domain using your IP, as described above,
In fact, there is a way to do this in a little low level, using ehcp db, but that is not available in gui.
normal way is to delete-readd the domain, as of now.

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:4291 username:npapazoglou
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Thanks a lot for your answer.
The site I need to add the IP and the SSL is live and I can't delete it in order to re-create it. So, if there is an option via the database, it is perfect. I can do a database backup before I make changes.
I've opened the ehcp databse via the phpmyadmin. There is a table named "domains". I see columns for IPs there and they are NULL. Is here the place to edit and add the new IP? There are more than one columns: host, webserverips, dnsserverips ...
Would you give me some instructions how to do the IP change via the database?

Thank you in advance!

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1 username:ehcpdeveloper
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any instructions to do this without qui?


Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:4291 username:npapazoglou
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Do this way:
open ehcp db, domains table, find row with right domain. edit row. fill field "webserverips" with your IP (that you wish to assign to this domain), save.
go to options->sync domains
this should work. if not, you should better watch ehcp.log with tail -f on console,

Dostum şöyle yap:
ehcp db'yi aç, domains tablosunu bul, istediğin domain'i seç, webserverips alanını senin sözkonusu IP ile doldur, kaydet,
sonra options->sync domains.

böyle heralde calısır. calısmazsa, başka bir problem vardır.
çözülmezse yardımcı olmaya calısırım, vakit elverdiği ölçüde.
Bunan sonraki sorularını Türkçe sorabilirsin.. Türkçe cevap aldığına şaşırdın mı ? (Umarım bu, ehcp'ye duyduğun ilgiyi azaltmaz... Smile )

Kolay gelsin.

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:4291 username:npapazoglou
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