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Translating the Sky Template
I recently translated the Sky template to Italian and collaborated to another translation to Hungarian. I realized that the only available documentation was these two posts:
Language, translation and alternate layout (
How to Modify Templates, Logo (

So I decided to try to write a step by step procedure about translating the Sky template... here it is:

<strong>Translating the Sky Template</strong>

Make a copy of the folder <em>/var/www/new/ehcp/templates/sky/en</em> (and all its subfolders) and name with with the two digit code for your language (i.e. /var/www/new/ehcp/templates/sky/it for Italian).

Change the name of the following files, within the folder, to use your two digits language code:

Edit all the above files (now ending with the two digits for your language, i.e. defaultindexfordomains_it.html for Italian) changing the text strings from English to your language.

Make a copy of the file <em>/var/www/new/ehcp/language/en.php</em> using the two digits code of your language and keep it in the same folder.

Translate all the text strings inside the above file.

Find a jpg image of your flag (54px x 36px) and place it inside <em>/var/www/new/ehcp/images</em> renaming it with the two digits code for your language (i. e. it.jpg for Italian).

Make a backup copy of the file <em>/var/www/new/ehcp/www.index.html</em> with the name <em>/var/www/new/ehcp/www.index.en.html</em>. Edit /var/www/new/ehcp/wwwindex.html to change all text strings to your language.

Edit <em>/var/www/new/ehcp/classapp.php</em> around line <em>2713</em>. There is a table with the list of available languages and you need to add your language code and language flag. For instance for Italian I added
&lt;a href='?op=setlanguage&id=it'&gt;Italian&lt;/a&gt;
at line 2719 and
&lt;td&gt;&lt;a href='?op=setlanguage&id=it'&gt;&lt;img height=30 width=50 src=images/it.jpg border=0&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/td&gt;
at line 2729.

Make a backup copy of the file <em>/var/www/new/index.html</em> with the name <em>/var/www/new/index.en.html</em>. Edit /var/www/new/index.html to change all text strings to your language.

After testing your translation you should prepare a package with all the translated files and send it to so that your language will be included in the next release of <strong>EHCP</strong>.

Create in your computer a folder with all the modified files following this structure:
..........| index.html
...............| classapp.php
...............| wwwindex.html
...............| xx.jpg
...............| xx.php
.............................| defaultindexfordomains_xx.html
.............................| defaultindexforsubdomains_xx.html
.............................| homepage_domainadmin_forreseller_xx.html
.............................| homepage_domainadmin_xx.html
.............................| homepage_emailuser_xx.html
.............................| homepage_remotehosting_dnsonly_xx.html
.............................| homepage_reseller_xx.html
.............................| homepage_reseller_other_xx.html
.............................| homepage_serveradmin_xx.html
.............................| homepage_serveradmin_other_xx.html
.............................| loginpage_xx.html
.............................| template_domainadmin_xx.html
.............................| template_emailuser_xx.html
.............................| template_xx.html

Tar the structure
tar -czf ehcp.xx.tar.gz var
and email it to (obviously you can also zip it).

<cite>Many thanks to Ákos for testing the procedure "on his skin" :-)</cite>

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