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ehcp backup, copying/moving servers
This is a small howto on ehcp backup and moving over servers.

Let me summarize:

normally; ehcp has built-in "server backup" feature. You can - most of the time - backup your whole server (including your site files, emails, db, ehcp) to a file.

The backup files are placed at /var/backup dir. You need to move these files to your new server, or make its backup to make sure you have "all data" in case you loose all server connection.

However, keep in mind that, sometime we may have bugs/unpredictable errors in this backup procedure. So, do Not lie on this backup feature. Check backukp file in /var/backup.

You may even do manual backup yourself. for manual backup, you need to backup /var/www/vhosts folder, /var/www/new/ehcp folder, mysql db's,

the ehcp backup feature may simplify, when it works as expected in your system.

For restore,
(transfer backup file to new server using scp or similar)
install ehcp on your new server, then,
click restore, enter backup filename.

the restore may last a while.

you may track all backup/restore process in command line by:
tail -f /var/log/ehcp.log
both in old & new server...

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1 username:ehcpdeveloper
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Thanks for the informative walkthrough, bro. I'll be testing it this week so I'll let you know how it goes.

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1 username:ehcpdeveloper
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It would be nice to have known that the way the script is written it basically creates duplicates and therefore takes up 3x of the HDD space...

For example:
* 20GB total files for ehcp, vhosts, mail, dbs
* Backup makes several .tgz compressing to approximately 12GB
* Backup then makes another complete tgz of all the individual tgz created so it needs another 12GB free at least to do this...

So instead of being able to make the backup with 20GB free, I needed 25GB free, which I didn't have. No real way to kill 5GB without deleting crucial data files from the server.

Personally, I think the script should stop after it creates the folder with the tgz rather than trying to tgz the folder....that's just an extra step that you could leave to the enduser when they're ready to transfer the file. But maybe I'm splitting hairs...

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:2730 usernameConfusedmartacus
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the backup function behaves like this:
makes tgz of vhost, email, db,
then, combines these into single tgz,
then, removes those files.

So, you need double space temporarily. After deleting temporary files, no extra space taken..

Anyway, your feature request seems logical, I coded this now, will release after some testing. "tar-gzip dir/file" is another option now in backup screen like other options, allowing you to choose "not to gzip" backup dir (in case you have little space). In that case, you will need to transfer files individually to other server.

Thanks for suggestion, contribution.

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:2730 usernameConfusedmartacus
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