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mysql remote connection
to connect to a local db, just use "localhost" as mysql host
to connect to a remote db, use remote ip (real external ip of server)

however, to connect to a mysql from remote, you need to do some settings in mysql.
open my.cnf,
bind-address =, (your external real ip)
after that, you need to give your user to connect from outside mysql server.

open mysql console (or do in phpmyadmin, privileges)
grant all privileges on db.* to user@'yourip' identified by 'pass';
flush privileges;

(if you have firewall, you need to open port 3306)

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1 username:ehcpdeveloper
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additional/another info:

to connect to a local db, just use "localhost" as mysql host
to connect to a remote db, use remote ip (real external ip of server)

however, to connect to a mysql from remote, you need to do some settings in mysql.
open my.cnf,
bind-address =, (your external real ip)
after that, you need to give your user to connect from outside mysql server.

open mysql console (or do in phpmyadmin, privileges)
grant all privileges on db.* to user@'yourip' identified by 'pass';
flush privileges;

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1 username:ehcpdeveloper
You may reset your password to access your new account here.
Be awake here !!

The developer says open my.cnf then fix the VPS to change the bind ( bind-address = ) to the VPS fixed IP

All documentation on the web says its under [mysqld] yes it is.
further DOWN ehcp added another, Two days later I stumbled on it , a simple Edit and I was connected !!


Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1 username:ehcpdeveloper
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