04-14-2023, 10:12 PM
When you try to change the language of SM you'll probably get a little disappointed - nothing changes.
The explanation is quite simple, the localization files aren't installed by default, and apt-get isn't your friend as EHCP doesn't use a package manager to install SM, but instead uses a customized set of files.
But don't despair. It's actually quite easy to install extra locales.
Firstly make sure that you've got the needed packages:
<code>apt-get install bzip2</code>
Then create an empty directory, and download the desired language pack <a href="http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=311&package_id=110388&release_id=562982">here</a>.
Extract the language pack. You need the correct character set installed. Check the extracted file setup.php (look for the line $languages['xx_XX']['LOCALE'] = array('xx_XX.ISO8859-1',...) to make sure which set is used in the locale file. If missing, or in doubt run the following command, and check the necessary sets:
<code>dpkg-reconfigure locales</code>
Run the install script:
It will ask for your path to your squirrelmail installation:
Change to the directory containing the compile scripts:
<code>cd /var/www/vhosts/ehcp/webmail/po</code>
First compile the locale:
<code>./compilepo xx_XX</code>
Then merge:
<code>./compilepo xx_XX</code>
To be on the safe side, restart your webserver:
<code>/etc/init.d/apache2 restart</code>
After changing your language (Options > Display Preferences > Language > Submit) you have to click "Refresh Page", and you're done.
Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:2459 username:ksga
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The explanation is quite simple, the localization files aren't installed by default, and apt-get isn't your friend as EHCP doesn't use a package manager to install SM, but instead uses a customized set of files.
But don't despair. It's actually quite easy to install extra locales.
Firstly make sure that you've got the needed packages:
<code>apt-get install bzip2</code>
Then create an empty directory, and download the desired language pack <a href="http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=311&package_id=110388&release_id=562982">here</a>.
Extract the language pack. You need the correct character set installed. Check the extracted file setup.php (look for the line $languages['xx_XX']['LOCALE'] = array('xx_XX.ISO8859-1',...) to make sure which set is used in the locale file. If missing, or in doubt run the following command, and check the necessary sets:
<code>dpkg-reconfigure locales</code>
Run the install script:
It will ask for your path to your squirrelmail installation:
Change to the directory containing the compile scripts:
<code>cd /var/www/vhosts/ehcp/webmail/po</code>
First compile the locale:
<code>./compilepo xx_XX</code>
Then merge:
<code>./compilepo xx_XX</code>
To be on the safe side, restart your webserver:
<code>/etc/init.d/apache2 restart</code>
After changing your language (Options > Display Preferences > Language > Submit) you have to click "Refresh Page", and you're done.
Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:2459 username:ksga
You may reset your password to access your new account here.