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Language, translation and alternate layout

I am a new user of EHCP. Have been using ISPconfig before, but decided to switch to EHCP for reasons of easyness, speed and easy install of applications.
I couldn't find any tutorial of making translations.
I am interested in making a norwegian translation, and possibly also a more "professional" layout.
Is there anyone to tell me a little how to start with these issues?

best regards Rune Thelen, Norway

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You are right, there is unfortunately no much documentation yet on this subject, as with many parts of ehcp.

Maybe this topic may become an howto for template...
Nevertheless, here is a starting point:

In fact easy, plain html files, to re-design !
Just keep a few tags,
{banner} -> show panel banner
{selecteddomain} -> show selected domain
{ickisim} -> shows inner part, homepage of current page

you may also remove them, thats up to you Smile but if you remove {ickisim} you may see nothing in homepage..
{ickisim} means {homepage} or innerpart

Ask here any questions,
you may also contact me with msn/skype/phone in specific/urgent situations..

I am happy to hear that you swithced to ehcp by means of easyness, speed and other causes...
I hope I will be able to make you happy with new/better versions of ehcp..
I should say that, many people use ehcp because of that, speed and easyness..

As you know, or most programmers now, adding a feature to a program is not so difficult most time, but you should think of complexity and speed too...
Thats why, i dont yet include many features into ehcp, until i find a easy and speedy working way...

Many features of ehcp are a few lines of php code... ehcp is full php (%99 php, %1 bash), as you know.
my slogan: easy programming, easy usage,

By the way, i need help at every aspect, every stage, look at Support section...

See you..

To add a new lang:
you need to edit two set of files
1- in languages folder
2- templates/default/en folder
1st is for some text that are displayed in ehcp
2nd for html template files

not all text's are translatable, unfortunately, since some are hardcoded in ehcp coded, which will be fixed later.

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While designing your template/html page, keep urls to functions,
such as:

http://yourip/vhosts/ehcp/ -> shows homepage
http://yourip/vhosts/ehcp/?op=addDomainToThisPaneluser -> easy add domain
http://yourip/vhosts/ehcp/?op=resellers -> shows resellers

and so on

you may write like href="?op=addemailuser" in a tags..

You may change anything else, html, css, menu structure, colors, anything you want,
After change, you may send your new design to me, so that everybody can use it, if you want...

good luck

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Hi again and thanks for quick replies.
I will look into these things as my time allows it, preferably chistmas is a good time to have some projects like this in the lazy days.

I also intend to suggest improvements as I try out EHCP.
I have the main perspective as a user and will suggest according to this.
The main factors that would make many small ISP's to use it is security, speed and easyness, and not to mention easy complete install.
From my searches and testing of other solutions EHCP is the only solution that does all the installing of needed programs ans packages.
I only set up the server with static IP and SSL from here and the install script of EHCP handeled the rest.

I think it is important that the whole installation from scratch can easily be found by potential users.
I think it will much easier attract new users.
If I decide to make a "whowto easy install a complete server with EHCP", where should I put it?

Best regards

Rune Thelen, Norway

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Nice to hear you all those,

First, i would prefer to say that "howto easy install a hosting server with EHCP"
Because, this will be a hosting server, second, it may not be named by somebody a "complete" because some parts still absent... installable but absent... such as spam... As you see, ehcp is fully apt-get based and uses debian/ubuntu system commands, so, spam will be available soon and can be installed by user with little work..
There are a few lack of features too... So, i think we cannot call it a complete or full featured hosting server.. .

Anyway, you may call it as you wish, that is up to your opinion,
I may suggest you to post that article to both here, and sourceforge... You may create here your blog... on left, click on create content and choose blog..
May also be called "Almost Perfect Setup for hosting serve rwith ehcp.." Smile like this...

see you

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it would be also good to post your good experience or reason of switch to ehcp, to other linux/hosting sites... your opinions above.. That would a good point for ehcp... Those ideas may become more meaningful in sites other then itself.. thank u.

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