sory i found a bug on it and fixed it in my local copy, will be released with next version,
You may do it yourself as following:
Way 1:
You should enter on address line as, each time you login,
Way 2:
or alternatively,just overwrite en files with yours
Way 3, permanently:
open classapp.php in your ehcp dir,
replace function loadConfig with following:
function loadConfig(){
if(!$this->checkConnection('config load')) return false;
$miscconfig=$this->loadConfigIntoArray("select * from misc where panelusername is null or panelusername=''");
#$this->output.="<hr><b>Loading config. </b>".print_r2($miscconfig)."<hr>";
foreach($miscconfig as $name=>$value)
case 'dnsip' : $this->conf['dnsip']=trim($value);break;
case 'adminname' : $this->conf['adminname']=trim($value);break;
case 'adminemail' : $this->conf['adminemail']=trim($value);break;
#$this->output.="dnsip: ".$this->conf['dnsip'];
# get defaultlanguage value from db, options, misc table..
if($this->miscconfig['defaultlanguage']) $this->defaultlanguage=$this->miscconfig['defaultlanguage'];
if($this->conf['dnsip']=='') {
$this->output.="<font size=+1>your dns/server ip is not set.<br>
this causes ehcp/dns/bind/named to malfunction <br>
please set it in your <a href='?op=options'>Settings</a></font><br><br>";
# other settigns, template, session etc..
$this->template=$_SESSION['template']; # load template in session if any..
if ($this->template=='') $this->template=$this->miscconfig['defaulttemplate'];
return true;
in fact, only one line added: $this->setLanguage($this->defaultlanguage);
which is missing, i just forgot it after some code cleanup...
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