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customize index file for site hosting

I have install your EHCP, how could I modify the statement below - I mean what file to edit to modify the statement.


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This site is hosted on an EHCP server,, ehcp is a hosting control panel for ubuntu,
To change this, Upload your files inside httpdocs folder using ftp.

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1619 username:myka
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This is defaultindexfordomains_en.html in your template folder.
if you use current xp5 template,
the file is located at /var/www/vhosts/ehcp/templates/xp5/en/

edit this file, then you will see that in your new domains..

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1619 username:myka
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I know how to change this now, but is there a way to put default files in there too when a domain is created...for example a couple of .jpg files in the httpdoc folder so there is a background or images in the default page?

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1 username:ehcpdeveloper
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Then you should change some ehcp php file..:
open classapp.php,
find function daemondomain,
add your required files below case "add"
write there php commands to copy files..

see you.

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:2710 username:pmcdougl
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ok, I tried to do that and I failed...can anyone give me the code to do this...

lets say the images are in the directory /templates/TEMPLATENAME/en/FILENAME.EXTENSION

here is what I wrote to try it...

function addFilesForPatrick($homedir){
executeProg2("cp /templates/TEMPLATENAME/en/FILENAME.EXTENSION ".$homedir."/httpdocs");

addFilesForPatrick is called in the check if index.php does not exist section of function daemondomain and is passed $homedir as an argument...

thanks in advance...

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That should be like this:
function addFilesForPatrick($homedir){
executeProg2("cp -Rvf /var/www/vhosts/ehcp/templates/TEMPLATENAME/en/customindexfiles/* ".$homedir."/httpdocs/");

and put your custom files in

while calling that function in other function, use: $this->addFilesForPatrick($homedir);
since it is in object.

Note that, you should keep and obey to php syntax rules, otherwise, your ehcp will not function.
i suggest to backup original classapp.php file before editing.

After changing classapp.php file, you need to restart your ehcp: /etc/init.d/ehcp restart

another suggestion:
before adding a domain, open a console on server, then, tail -f /var/log/ehcp.log
this way, you will see what is going on your server..

hope that helps..

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:2710 username:pmcdougl
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"i suggest to backup original classapp.php file before editing"- I appreciate the tip that is kinda what I was thinking when I decided to do my own function and call it, that way I know what I added...

I was surprised to see how close I actually was, thanks for the quick response, the only thing I really forgot other than the change in the path that you made, was the $this-> and I forgot to restart ehcp >.<

another feature request I have is so domains can have their own error documents...that would be cool, and I know it is possible with apache...sorry to add one more feature on your plate...I hope to be learning some php soon and maybe I will help with this amazing project...

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