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SQL Database Failes to Create

I have installed EHCP three times, with the regard that i have done the installation incorrect. I have run the installation with the correct passwords and verified by utilizing the: mysql -u root -p and the password and pasting the information from the configuration file. The login is a complete success; however when administrating the backend of EHCP it tells me that i cannot connect to the host. (As verified in: /var/www/vhosts/ehcp/config/adodb/drivers/ )

My next step was to log into MYSQL utilizing phpmyadmin to see if i did something wrong, and the database reads the following: EHCP(0) and EHCPBackup...(0).

Are there any work around this? I have even lowered the security temporarily to see if the installation would work, and nothing seems to be working. Any and all help would be much appreciated.

Kindest Regards,

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:997 username:Anthonyx86
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the clue is on phpmyadmin, ehcp(0).
i think somehow, the ehcp installer could not install its database into mysql.
normally ehcp db contains some tables..

i suggest you:
1- manually load ehcp.sql into ehcp db in phpmyadmin, then edit panelusers table, admin row, edit password - use md5 function,
2- insert a new user of ehcp, which is granted all privileges to ehcp db, with same pass that you defined in config.php; use phpmyadmin again,
3- then /etc/init.d/ehcp restart,

restart your mysql,
then, restart ehcp installer,
try to see whats going wrong while loading db into mysql,

I may also help by connecting to your server..

see you

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