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cannot access ehcp login
a conversation:

Guest: sir i have problem while using ehcp
Guest: it was working fine but now i am unable to login to ehcp
when i try to acces ehcp it says
page not found

me: can you access login page?
give me your url ?

Guest: http://67.xx.yy.152/vhosts/ehcp/
and when i try to open my domains which were working fine, they are redirected to my main domain
Sent at 1:09 PM on Friday

me: 1m
understand your case.

Guest: ok

1st, the problem:
most probably, you added a domain with your server ip,
i think,
i mean, you typed ip, instead of domainname
this caused the problem.
to fix it:

Guest: yes

me: you need a little manual things.
open /var/www/vhosts/ehcp/apachehcp.conf
delete section with that ip,
as domainname
i mean, servername ....ip... serveralias ip....
that section completely,
save file,
then restart apache
you will be able to access your panel

Guest: i have more than 5 domains

me: after that, immediately delete that ip from domain naes.

Guest: do i need to remove for all

me: dont delete those domains
only the section with ip
or send me your apachehcp.conf file
i will delete and send y ouback.
Sent at 1:15 PM on Friday

Guest: there is no ip
there are domain names
such as :
Sent at 1:16 PM on Friday

Guest: excuseme sir
Sent at 1:19 PM on Friday

me: can I connect to your server by ssh ?
no prob.

Guest: yes

me: give your login info?
to server

me: 1m

Guest: ok
:25 PM on Friday

me: did you change something in apache2.conf or apache template ?

Guest: no i didnt
but once i empty apache2.conf
then i syncronise domains
through ssh mysql
Sent at 1:28 PM on Friday

me: do you use ssl ?

Guest: no

me: ok. 1 min.
Sent at 1:31 PM on Friday

me: working. 2min.

Guest: ok
Sent at 1:44 PM on Friday
Guest has left.

me: http://67.xx.yy.152
I fixed all.
check it.
the problem arised: you used ssl in past, and edited apache template, with ssl
then, now, switched back to non-ssl, but custom templates were still ssl. which is problem.
fixed it.
i had to delete all your custom apache, if any.

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1 username:ehcpdeveloper
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i cannot access login page, it shows page not found on server, kindly tell me the solution.

its because of i clicked the link from the panel "configure apached with ssl"

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1 username:ehcpdeveloper
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Brother the same problem arised again, would you please suggest me how do i fix this problem.

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:3156 username:websterz
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Did you look at:
Ehcp General Problem Solving Guide:

can you access your ehcp login page?
what you get when you try to get that page ?

what is contents of apachehcp.conf file in ehcp dir ?

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:3156 username:websterz
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follow these steps:
<li> upgrade to 0.29.13 (being tested now, not released to public yet) using file (or newer if any in site, this is newest as of 2010-03-28, Y-m-d)
<li> switch back to non-ssl mode by following

this way, your ehcp should be functional and your datas are kept.

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1 username:ehcpdeveloper
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when the installation finishes it deletes all files and folders from the "echp" directory and nothing happnes, although ssh terminal shows the installations successfull., kindly tell me the solution

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1 username:ehcpdeveloper
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I said that, you should do upgrade, not install, installation deletes ehcp files (not your web files)
anyway, if you did finish install, you should be able to see your ehcp login.

if not, apply this:
did you apply that ?

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:3156 username:websterz
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