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white page

First of all: I like this pack!
I have a problem.
After installation o try to login in to the administration paneel.
But i see a white page!

I have ehcp install on ubuntu server 8.10
Can you help ?

Sorry for the very bad english.


Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1870 username:pieterbas16
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if you see a white page then:

most probably, you have something wrong with your php files of ehcp or php system.

Try following:
* re-download , extract and put ehcp files on /var/www/vhosts/ehcp, except config.php file, which is your configuration.
* try following on console to see if some php files are faulty:
cd /var/www/vhosts/ehcp
php -l config.php
php -l classapp.php
php -l index.php

you may see a warning, but you should not see an error.

* try setting error_reporting in your php.ini to: E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE
so that you will see what is being made in your page... after setting php.ini, restart your apache by:
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

one of these should solve or show you the problem...

see you

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1870 username:pieterbas16
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Hello ehcpdeveloper,

thanks for help!
I will try next week.
I have 1 quitoin:
How i eddit php.ini?
Can you give me the command lines?
Because I have followed this action plan:


Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1 username:ehcpdeveloper
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that guide normally works out of box, mostly,
if you get white page, then you have something wrong...

to change php.ini on console, type: nano /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
then find error_reporting, and change it...

you can connect your server by secure ftp client, such as filezilla,
then retrieve that file to your local computer,
then edit and upload again..

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1870 username:pieterbas16
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I found an error in nl language php file, i fixed it and uploaded new ehcp pack.
You may fix it yourself in one of these ways:

1- edit ehcp/language/nl.php and fix it, if you know a little php
2- cp ehcp/language/en.php onto nl.php
3- goto phpmyadmin, ehcp db->misc table, edit row with default language, put en there

thats all.

i fixed this wholy in ehcp archives...

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1 username:ehcpdeveloper
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