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login problem and answer - is there a domain limit ?
The question is below,

what is the error on login screen ?
make sure your mysql is running...

that ehcp.log is for ehcp daemon, and seems ok.

2.nd answer:
ehcp does not have any domain limit..
you may host as many domain as you wish... that depends on your hardware configuration..

I may say this:
i know one person, that hosts 360.000 domains, as only dns hosting (no apache), using ehcp as a control panel..
on a dual core 2gb ram machine...

how did you think it has a domain limit ?
i mean, from which statement/article did you think ehcp has a domain limit ?
ehcp is only hosting control panel that is fully opensource, fully gpl, easy for user/developer, easily modifiable, full php

After a kernel upgrade via apt-get on a Ubuntu 8.04, I have problems loging on EHCP... It's take aroud 20 seconds to go on login screen, but I can't login! Sad

tail -f /var/log/ehcp.log say:


ehcp V.0.25- Daemon loop number:2417
-----------daemon suspended for 10 sec ---------

ehcp V.0.25- Daemon loop number:2418
-----------daemon suspended for 10 sec ---------


ehcp V.0.25- Daemon loop number:2419
-----------daemon suspended for 10 sec ---------


Only the "daemon loop number" is changing

PS: BTW, EHCP support only 50 domains?


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Problem solved!
1. I was suspected the CD-ROM, and I was right. Removing it was the solutions! Don't ask why...
2. 50 Domains limitations is for the "admin" account... My mistake! Smile I forgot abbout the resselers accounts Smile

How EHCP is working with Ubuntu 8.10 Server? Any issue, or you suggest 8.04 LTS?


Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1 username:ehcpdeveloper
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go to phpmyadmin,
echp db,
panelusers table

edit row for admin
set maxdomains to whatever you whish...
in fact, that should not have any effect i think... since, that is admin..

in ehcp, there is no domain limit.. Smile

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:247 username:bvidinli2
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ehcp is working well on Ubuntu 8.10.
it is tested.. it is also used in production environment with Ubuntu 8.10...

ehcp ver. 0.28 is coming, fixing some bugs, and many improvements...

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