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I would like to edit the apachetemplate file in /var/www/vhosts/ehcp.
Currently "php_admin_value open_basedir {homedir}" is my stumbling block.
Where in the code or db's is {homedir} defined?
Could a {userdir} be difined to lock in the path /var/www/vhosts/{userdir}

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1267 username:tunda
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Actually I would like to add the following directory for each panel user and have access to it from the httpdocs directory


Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1267 username:tunda
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(These info for programmers, developers, ehcp users may not understand these)

{homedir} is defined and replaced with real home directory of domain,
in classsapp.php, function syncDomains,
look at lines about:

that function, gets fields of domains from db, then put { and } around them, then, load template, replace {homedir} for ex, with the data in db,

that way, template is converted to a real apache config.
to use {userdir} you need to define that field in db or like the code in function syncDomains:

that aliases is calculated/built in code, then, put in domains array, then used in template again
you need to decide what to do with that variable,

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1267 username:tunda
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then, you need to do a little coding:
in similar way,
open classapp.php,
go to function syncDomains,
just after
<code>passthru2("mkdir -p ".$dom['homedir']."/httpdocs");

put following:
<code>passthru2("mkdir -p ".$dom['homedir']."/store");

you can do anything specific/you want there,
that php code is run each time your system synchronizes the domains.

dont forget to restart ehcp:
<code>/etc/init.d/ehcp restart

after restarting, if you do ehcp gui->options->sync domains
all domains will have store directory in user's home directories.

note that, if you want those directoried accessible from web,
you need to setup directory as /httpdocs/store , otherwise,
directory will be available by ftp, but not web.
because, web sees httpdocs folder as root folder.

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