04-14-2023, 10:07 PM
User: Heyy...Is the ehcp project on gsoc ?
User: And also please give me the link of the wiki documentation you were talking about the other day. I ould not find it
me: http://www.ehcp.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
not in gsoc
User: is ehcp similar to webmin?
yes i got it
but answer me this
is ehcp similar to webmin?
User: Ok I am going offline If u want to answer this please send an offline message .Thank You for all the infrmations you have given
me: ehcp is similar
but not same
ehcp is a hosting control panel
installs and manages almost all hosting related programs
such as ftp, mail, webserver
adn so on.
manages in an easy and categorical manner
such as resellers, domain admins...
4 levels of administration,
server admin> reseller > domain admin > mail user
User: hmm..sounds nice
me: ehcp is more similar to cpanel
User: Ohh
me: but much less features... opensource and free
User: Well I will see the code only after my exam is over..quite excited about it
me: basic features for a hosting operation.
User: It installs the ftp and mail server itself?
me: yes
User: I mean webmin works if these are pre installed i think
me: webmin is for server admin
ehcp is for admins, resellers, domain admins
User: ohh...ya
got it
Thanks for your information
Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1 username:ehcpdeveloper
You may reset your password to access your new account here.
User: And also please give me the link of the wiki documentation you were talking about the other day. I ould not find it
me: http://www.ehcp.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
not in gsoc
User: is ehcp similar to webmin?
yes i got it
but answer me this
is ehcp similar to webmin?
User: Ok I am going offline If u want to answer this please send an offline message .Thank You for all the infrmations you have given
me: ehcp is similar
but not same
ehcp is a hosting control panel
installs and manages almost all hosting related programs
such as ftp, mail, webserver
adn so on.
manages in an easy and categorical manner
such as resellers, domain admins...
4 levels of administration,
server admin> reseller > domain admin > mail user
User: hmm..sounds nice
me: ehcp is more similar to cpanel
User: Ohh
me: but much less features... opensource and free
User: Well I will see the code only after my exam is over..quite excited about it
me: basic features for a hosting operation.
User: It installs the ftp and mail server itself?
me: yes
User: I mean webmin works if these are pre installed i think
me: webmin is for server admin
ehcp is for admins, resellers, domain admins
User: ohh...ya
got it
Thanks for your information
Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1 username:ehcpdeveloper
You may reset your password to access your new account here.