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echp in easy script
Just woundering how come echp is in the easy script's installations,

Does this mean you can install it on another hosting account and use it?

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:2720 usernameBig Grinexxa
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I did not understand your question fully.

As far as I understand:
<li> you choose a domain(hosting) of yours in ehcp,
<li> click on easy install scripts, choose an easy install script,
<li> enter a target directory or leave empty to install onto root of your domain folder,
<li> you click go, then, you wait a bit, for following steps
<li> on background: ehcp downloads that script (if that file in ehcp db is up to date, and exists on target server) in background, extracts it, copies it to your destination folder,
<li> then, if defined in scripts table, background ehcp daemon executes some preliminary shell commands such as chmod a+w cache...
<li> you wait until background finishes the progress, you cannot see process on ehcp gui, but the duration is typicaly 30 sec for 1st installation, depending on your net speed; after 1st installation, ehcp stores downloaded script archives in local, so that other installations is usually less then 2 second,
<li> then, you may click on your destination dir on your ehcp gui and see the script downloaded and extracted, ready to continue other manual installation.
<li> if you need more manual operations on that script, you may do it usin ftp or ssh, mostly, ftp is enaugh..
<li> if you want to add/customize some scripts, you may play with ehcp db, scripts table..

Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:2720 usernameBig Grinexxa
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