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dynamic ip, dyndns
just make sure ehcp->options->edit->dynamic ip is checked.

the reason for such service (dyndns):
there should be a static entry point in dns resolution chain. for ex:

stage 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5
root dns servers->.com registrar->your registrar->a dns of your choise (with static ip)-> maybe another dns

normally, stage 4 is your server. however, if your server has no static ip, you have two choice:
a)update your registrar database each time your ip changed; which is very non-practical; and mostly cannot be automated.
b) redirect your domain in stage 4 to dyndns-like service (which has static ip), and put dyndns client on your server, this way, dyndns will accept dns requests, will update ip when necessary (the thing that cannot be automated in case a), then redirect all dns requests to your server to stage 5. In this case, dyndns acts as a dns proxy, or dns gateway, or registrar, which CAN update IP of your server.

If you had a static ip in your server, stage 5 is not needed, and your server would be at stage 4.

I hope these are explanatory.
this is really a hard-to-understand topic, for many people.
(I will post this explanation to too)
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On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 9:05 AM, Eric xxx <> wrote:

Also, do I need to activate any settings within EHCP to get it to monitor IP address changes, or does it do it automatically.

Let me know.

On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 1:45 PM, Eric xxx <> wrote:

Also, check this out:

If bind is updated and I set my DNS template time lower, it could cause less than one minute of downtime as the IP is updated?

On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 2:39 PM, Eric xxx <> wrote:

Thanks for the info!

I'm not sure I understand completely why I'd have to route through DynDNS.Won't my domains be redirected to my new IP anyways since my name servers are and, and the associated hosts are defined in DNS on my server?If Bind is updated properly, they'd reach my server even if my IP changes, correct?If not, could you please explain it further for me, as I'm confused about how dynamic DNS works.It seems to me that Dynamic DNS creates name servers for you which link to your server's current IP address.If the IP address changes, so are the name servers.But would my Dyn DNS url of respond to ns1 - since I have the host entries created in Bind?

Not sure how this works.Very confused

On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 2:08 PM, ehcpdeveloper <> wrote:

yes, ehcp can monitor IP change, and update bind config accordingly,
however, you still need dyndns, because you need to redirect your
domains to somewhere (this case, dyndns servers, or similar)
install dyndns client also on your server.

In future, we have plans to to offer dyndns directly in ehcp fully,
without need to an external dyndns service.

On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 10:03 PM, Eric xxx
<> wrote:
> Hey ehcpdeveloper,
> What would you recommend I do for my DNS since I have a dynamic IP?I was
> going to buy a static IP from Comcast, but when they asked for $15 a month,
> I nearly threw up.
> I don't know if I really need Dynamic DNS service, as I already have a Bind
> server installed.Couldn't I configure Bind to check if my IP changes and
> automatically update the {dnsip) variable in the DNS template files?Does
> EHCP monitor IP changes?Does it automatically update the server IP option?
> What would you suggest?
> --
> Thanks

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