04-14-2023, 10:12 PM
I attach two files,
first, sends whole database to an email, accepts dbname, email and sitename (not-important)
second file, does something special:
parameters same as first (i think)
but it drops/deletes non-critic tables so that, the email size reduces..
this is especially good for some large db's..
original author is written in file,
I made some modification, and made second file myself.. it is first in world, i think..
example usage:
<code>php backup2mail2.php drupal2 ehcp ehcp@gmail.com
you may put it in a cron job:
<code>1 1 */1 * * cd /root/server ; php backup2mail2.php drupal2 ehcp ehcp@gmail.com >> /var/log/cronisler_backup2mail.log 2>&1 &
That runs that emailer once a day..
See you.
Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1 username:ehcpdeveloper
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first, sends whole database to an email, accepts dbname, email and sitename (not-important)
second file, does something special:
parameters same as first (i think)
but it drops/deletes non-critic tables so that, the email size reduces..
this is especially good for some large db's..
original author is written in file,
I made some modification, and made second file myself.. it is first in world, i think..
example usage:
<code>php backup2mail2.php drupal2 ehcp ehcp@gmail.com
you may put it in a cron job:
<code>1 1 */1 * * cd /root/server ; php backup2mail2.php drupal2 ehcp ehcp@gmail.com >> /var/log/cronisler_backup2mail.log 2>&1 &
That runs that emailer once a day..
See you.
Restored from old drupal forum, for user uid:1 username:ehcpdeveloper
You may reset your password to access your new account here.