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About vsftpd settings.
I have installed ehcp latest version.
I want report about vsftp on ubuntu 14.04 information.
1.If I use apt-get upgrade this command.It's will upgrade vsftpd version.This version will get follow error: must be installed for pthread_cancel to work

Please check it.
2.If I reinstall ehcp attach vsftp file.It's need follow setting.


Because it's will show error if no two settings:
500 OOPS: vsftpd: refusing to run with writable root inside chroot()
500 OOPS: priv_sock_get_cmd

Thanks a lot.

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you can fix the problem with adding following line to /etc/vsftpd.conf and restart the vsftpd service:


(this will be included in ehcp versions 0.37.12 and up)

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